GOT-ASK-2MEET (833) 268-2752
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Empathy on demand, always there with the intention of attention.

Here is how we co-create the process with you.

There is no judgement….

No Shoulds….

No Musts….

No have to’s….

Especially no self judgments

Simply acceptance through a patient face to face meeting. However, you gotta ask to meet!

Sitting across from each other in a safe, secure, protected anonymous space.

Like conveniently purchasing a cup of coffee; you may enjoy reserve time for compassionate acceptance without being “fixed” or having your sharing revisited. Your topics, your pace, in your time.  Each visit is as special, unique and valued as you are.


Compassionaire Training

The Feeling

Become a Compassionaire

The Compassionaire

The Compassionaire is best described as a listening, loving, non-anxious presence.

Listening, without judgment, nor the need to “fix”, is the greatest gift we can offer another soul.

Kindness is the most gracious and expansive gesture of Compassion. Our soul’s recognition that we bridge our isolation connected by Love. During a divine appointment, we free each other by sharing a special brand of empathy.

Become a Compassionaire

We are most present when giving that which we most seek; connecting, by divine appointment, with the recipient.

Do your friends feel like they can tell you anything…and often do?

In seeking what others sought, we often needn’t do what they did.

Can you learn from listening to the experience of others?

If so, there may be a way to improve the future based on your emotional generosity.

A financially rewarding fair energy exchange.

"Always remember and never forget, we're better for having anonymously met."

"Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our intentions"

Samuel H. Hann III


GOT-ASK-2MEET (833) 268-2752
Based in Lehigh Valley, PA

Empathy on Demand.  Always there with the intention of attention.
